Controlling Cockroaches For Business
The presence of cockroaches in the workplace is considered a business risk. Not only does it pollute the environment and cause property damage, but it also has a direct impact on the brand, particularly in service businesses like restaurants and hotels. Therefore, the prevention and control of cockroaches are one of the optimal solutions chosen by many businesses.
Signs that cockroaches have infiltrated your company
- The droppings of cockroaches are granular and black. It's simple to find in cupboards, along walls, or along the course they take.
- Fray is most commonly found in regions where there is a lot of wetness, a brown tint, and an uneven pattern on the floors and walls.
- Because immature cockroaches moult about 5-8 times throughout development, cockroach moults are usually light brown and located near where they nest.
- Cockroaches have a distinct nasty odour that arises from secretions and vomitus after eating.
- The toilet and kitchen are frequently infested with live cockroaches.
The toilet and kitchen are frequently infested with live cockroaches
The importance of cockroach control and prevention
Causes of environmental pollution and infectious diseases.
Cockroach secretions and vomit, as well as the glands on their bodies, produce a distinct smell that lingers for a long time on the objects they pass. It is irritating and, if exposed for an extended period, can cause allergic responses or vomiting.
Cockroaches are also an infectious intermediate for approximately 33 species of bacteria, the most frequent of which are:
- E.coli: When this bacteria enters the human body, it causes poisoning and digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea... If not treated promptly, it can result in death.
- Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can cause infections in the intestine, resulting in abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhoea. At the same time, germs can travel through the bloodstream after entering the intestinal system, producing inflammation in other organs and regions of the body.
Cockroaches also have an impact on the immunological system, causing diseases such as asthma, lung typhoid, bowel cancer, etc.
Cockroaches cause environmental pollution and infectious diseases.
Food and brand name influence
Cockroaches will come into direct touch with food or utensils when moving or seeking food. At the same time, the customer's habit of eating, vomiting a portion of their meal, and excreting faeces may fall into the food, causing sanitary issues and compromising their health.
Cockroaches can munch on documents, fabrics, books, and other materials when they can't locate good food because they are omnivores. Furthermore, the presence of this bug will have many negative consequences, including:
- It has an aesthetic impact and leads to a loss of customer trust.
- Documents and records are damaged or lost.
Care Vietnam-cockroach prevention and control solution
Cockroaches have been around for millions of years, making them one of the world's most adaptive insects. Cockroaches, which number over 4000 species worldwide, not only cause havoc on businesses but also spread a variety of infections to individuals. Care Vietnam provides effective cockroach prevention and control solutions with outstanding advantages to bringing a green, clean, and beautiful place while ensuring safety factors.
Cockroach control chemicals Fedona 10 SC
At Care Vietnam, we use the BASF chemical Fendona 10SC, which contains the active ingredient Alpha-Cypermethrin 10% and has the effect of controlling and preventing insects such as mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, fleas, ants, and other insects. It is compact, and convenient to store and use because it is designed in a bottle. The medicine has no odour and leaves no residues on the surface after spraying, ensuring human and environmental safety. WHOPES has studied it and recommends it for usage around the world (World Health Organization-WHO).
The Ministry of Health in Vietnam has granted Fendona 10SC a licence to be used in the national malaria control programme as well as pest control in the public health field.
The most effective way to prevent and control cockroaches
Cockroach killing bait
Cockroach killing baits, which are based on cockroach knowledge, are one of the most popular methods for preventing and controlling cockroaches because of the following benefits:
- It's a term that's applied to a variety of cockroaches that behave in the same way.
- It also helps in the distribution of insecticides to the nest, saving time in the control and prevention of cockroaches.
- It is practical and easy to use in any situation, including homes, businesses, schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Use a glue trap
Cockroach trap glue is a popular non-chemical approach for preventing and controlling cockroaches. The solution's highlight is the creation of a food odour that attracts and attracts cockroaches. It also has many other advantages, including:
- It is low-cost and easy to use.
- It attracts insects other than cockroaches.
- It is non-toxic and does not pose a health risk.
- It's simple to collect and manage.
Glue traps-a popular solution in cockroach prevention and control
Care Vietnam is always committed
Make use of chemical that is safe
The safety of customers and employees is always a priority for Care Vietnam. As a result, we always look for and use chemicals of clear origin from well-known brands like BASF in every cockroach prevention and control solution. Reduce the harmful effects of chemicals on people and the environment.
The deployment procedure
At Care Vietnam, we use a scientific and professional approach to cockroach prevention and control. Conduct surveys and assessments in the area to verify that all activities at the business are safe and efficient. At the same time, following each deployment, gather and clean up things and equipment to ensure the business's general hygiene.
Professional team
At Care Vietnam, all technicians are trained regularly on topics such as safe chemical use, insect control and prevention, labour safety, and so on. In addition, we have a team of professional insect control and preventive consultants dedicated to providing customers with the best effective solutions at the lowest possible cost.
Inheriting 63 years of experience from Taisei Group of Japan, Care Vietnam confidently provides solutions to prevent and control cockroaches with high efficiency, cost savings and safety for customers.
Contact information:
Care Vietnam
HCMC: L07-02, 7th floor, Gigamall Trade Center , 240 - 242 Pham Van Dong St., Hiep Binh Chanh W., Thu Duc City
Da Nang: 586 Nguyen Huu Tho St., Khue Trung W., Cam Le Dist., Da Nang
Ha Noi: 3rd floor, King Palace Tower, 108 Nguyen Trai St., Thuong Dinh W., Thanh Xuan Dist., Ha Noi
Hotline: 0909 411 885 | 0911 401 955 | 0979 045 766