Elegant Miniature Garden Design

With various materials and design styles, the miniature garden is becoming popular in landscaping design with a size of 10m2, such as houses, apartments, etc.

What is a miniature garden?

The miniature garden is a small garden with artistically arranged trees and water to ensure naturalness and harmony with the house's overall architecture.

Types of garden miniatures

There are two methods to classify the miniature garden:

The placement

Due to their small size, miniature gardens can be placed in various locations, including balconies, under stairs, etc. It creates a comfortable and green space.

The features

There are two types of miniature gardens: dry and wet. The wet miniature gardens are categorized as Shanshui and Shumu penjing. If the "shanshui penjing" uses the natural flow from lakes or streams, the "shumu penjing" is quieter than the "shanshui penjing," implying a serene and joyful life.

tiểu cảnh sân vườn ướt

Miniature gardens are classified according to their features

Notes when designing and constructing garden miniatures

A lovely miniature garden requires skilled workers and adheres to particular design and construction criteria:

Reasonable and optimal the area

A lovely small garden is made possible by the proportion of the plants, accessories, and other elements. In addition, it also helps to increase the aesthetic and optimize the area.


Consistency is also a factor that contributes to improving the area's aesthetics and efficiency.

Color harmonization

It is a crucial element in determining the aesthetic of the miniature garden. To make a beautiful garden miniature, select a neutral color like black, white, or gray and combine it with warm and cool colors to display the brightness of plants and other accessories.

The light

It helps to increase plant growth and improve its attractiveness. As a result, you should use natural light or a lighting system with a tone and temperature that is appropriate for the miniature garden.

Feng shui

Designing miniature gardens using the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth is a common application of feng shui. That matches the items of each, bringing prosperity to the owner.

tiểu cảnh sân vườn đầy đủ các yếu tố ngũ hành

The miniature garden is designed by Feng Shui

The miniature garden designing process

Step 1: Determine the location

Firstly, you need to determine the location of the miniature garden so that it harmonizes with the house design and meets its criteria.

Step 2: Choose a miniature garden under 10m2

The choice of a miniature garden is influenced by its location and characteristics. To save money and time, use the sample mini garden for spaces under 2 square meters. Japanese style, Vietnamese countryside, European style, Chinese style, etc., are typically selected for areas more than 2 square meters.

Moreover, the characteristics impact the design and construction of the miniature gardens. There are two primary types of miniatures: wet and dry. The dry miniatures are composed of such components as trees, flowers, rocks, etc. It is excellent for parts of the home where aesthetic improvement while conserving money and time is desired. Static and dynamic miniatures are used to classify water miniatures, which contribute to air cooling and purification by using water as its primary component.

Step 3: Choose the plants

The quantity, size, and type of plants are specified in the design. You can mix and match plants with easy maintenance requirements and healthy growth. There must be at least two plants, such as flowers and plants or fruit trees. Avoid planting too many trees because it detracts from the attractiveness and increases maintenance time.

Step 4: Choose accessories

To bring good fortune to the homeowner, miniature accessories must adhere to Feng Shui principles and match the theme of the miniatures.

The deer, turtles, and cranes symbolize good health wishes.

Avoid sharp objects to ensure the safety of humans, particularly children and the elderly.

Step 5: Build and take care of the garden miniatures

It helps to limit pest growth and increase the growth ability of the plants, while at the same time protecting the family’s health.

Garden miniatures under 10m2

Under the stairs mini-scene

If you take advantage of the space under the stairs the living space will become more comfortable and fresh. The stair mini-scene can be combined with plants, penjing, a small aquarium, etc., to make the indoor space closer to nature.

Tiểu cảnh cầu thang

Under the stairs mini-scene

Bonsai miniatures

With their diminutive size and delicate beauty, bonsai miniatures are frequently placed in the living room as decorations.

Tiểu cảnh bonsai

Bonsai miniatures

Mini-scene indoor wells

The combination of natural light and other elements, such as artwork, aquariums, etc., creates a beautiful space that serves as the focal point of the home.

Balcony miniatures

It often combines with climbing flowers, plants, grasses, aquariums, etc. to make a peaceful space and refresh energy after the day.

This article is intended to provide garden miniatures under 10 m2 with helpful information. To satisfy aesthetic and Feng Shui requirements, Customers can seek the advice of reputable units in this field. We are proud to be a professional landscape designer in Vietnam with a team that is always ready to help customers.


Contact information:

Care Vietnam


HCMC: 7 Floor, Gigamall Trade Center, 240 - 242 Pham Van Dong, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, Thu Duc City, HCMC.

Da Nang: 586 Nguyen Huu Tho, Khue Trung Ward, Cam Le District, Da Nang City.

Ha Noi: 3 Floor, King Palace Tower, 108 Nguyen Trai, Thuong Dinh Qrd, Thanh Xuan Ward, Ha Noi.

Hotline: 0909 411 885 | 0911 401 955 | 0979 045 766


