Flying Insect Control

Flying insects are among the pests that negatively impact the quality of services and the growth of businesses, especially in service industries such as restaurants and hotels. Moreover, they are also a source of infectious diseases, posing significant health risks to customers.

Are flying insects considered pests?

Most flying insects have wings in their adult stage and move using these wings. However, some insects are considered reluctant fliers, such as cockroaches. Additionally, termites and ants are also flying insects but can only fly for short periods during their breeding season.


Flies reproduce rapidly, laying approximately 150 eggs within 5–6 days. They inhabit various places, especially dining areas, kitchens, storage spaces, and trash bins. Flies are a primary cause of numerous gastrointestinal diseases such as helminthiasis, typhoid fever, and diarrhea. Not only do they pose health risks, but they also result in financial losses and damage to a company's reputation.

Moreover, other types of flies, such as horseflies, are known for their biting behavior and tendency to live in damp areas. They cause painful skin bites and are also potential carriers of diseases.

Mosquitoes are fast-growing insects


The breeding environment of mosquitoes is mainly in swimming pools, ponds, wet areas, or standing water… They lay their eggs in the water, then hatch into larvae or prisms, after they mature they will fly out of the water. They usually appear in dark and humid corners, mosquito bites can cause itching, pain, and redness. In addition, mosquitoes are also capable of transmitting viruses, bacteria, and parasites that carry diseases with a high risk of death such as dengue fever, malaria, and yellow fever ...

Flies are fast-reproducing insects


Bugs live by feeding on the blood of humans and vertebrates. They have the ability to live very long, just need to suck blood 2-3 times a year, and they can live a whole life cycle of 350-400 days. Some of them live and thrive in densely populated areas, and large cities. Bugs like damp places, warehouses, wood warehouses...

The harm caused by bugs is also very worrying. Their stings, and sucking colors can cause discomfort, swelling, allergies, and even fever in children.

Bugs have the ability to live long

Insects eat stored products

There are many species of insects that can attack food during storage, affecting product quality and the economy of the business. Some insects such as rice weevils, termites, moths, and fruit flies.

Rice weevil affects health

In addition, there are many other flying insects that affect the health and business performance of enterprises that need to be controlled and have appropriate solutions.

Why should you choose Care Vietnam?

Along with the development of harmful insects, there are also beneficial insects, therefore, people who control flying insects need to understand and understand the characteristics of each species to have appropriate solutions. . Depending on each insect species, Care Vietnam deploys separate control solutions that both meet cleaning efficiency and ensure safety for customers. Besides, We also own staff with many years of experience in the field of flying insect control. At the same time, regularly organize training and update knowledge for employees to always meet the criteria of customers. In addition, we also develop a warranty policy, a 24/7 Customer care system that is always ready to support and solve customers' questions when learning or using our services.


Contact Info:

Care Vietnam


- HCMC: 7th Floor, GigaMall, 240 - 242 Pham Van Dong, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

- Da Nang: 120 Vo Nguyen Giap, Son Tra, Da Nang City.

- Hanoi: King Palace, 108 Nguyen Trai, Thuong Dinh, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi.

Hotline: 0909 411 885 | 0911 401 955 | 0979 045 766


