SKU: 103-105240
Brand: Ecolab
Origin: Mỹ
Capacity: 2x2 liters

Multi Quat Sanitizer is a high-level disinfectant and sanitizer used in kitchens and hospitals.

This product is only to be used with the ECOLAB dilution system.

Pre-clean: Clean surfaces with a suitable cleaning solution before sanitizing.

Setup: Open the product cap, insert the dilution system’s suction tube, and securely tighten the cap.

Dilution: Place a spray bottle or mechanical sprayer under the dilution system to fill with the mixed solution.

Dilution Ratios:For Disinfection/Bacteria Control: Mix 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

For Sanitization and Virus Control: Mix 24 ml per 1 liter of water.

Application Instructions:

When using a mechanical sprayer, evacuate all people, pets, and food from the area. Set the sprayer to the largest droplet size. Wait 15 minutes before re-entering the treated area.

Spray the solution onto the surface to be sanitized. Keep the surface wet for 10 minutes.

Rinse with water and/or wipe with a clean microfiber cloth.