SKU: 102-102510
Brand: Ecolab
Origin: USA
Capacity: 4X3.8LT

Grillklene is a special formula liquid made of alkali, solvents, and organic cleaners, designed to remove accumulated grease, spills, and long-lasting residue. It is capable of tackling tough stains that regular cleaners cannot handle.

Works more effectively when used on surfaces at 50°C.

Depending on the level of dirt, dilute at a ratio of 150ml/liter - 300ml/liter, or use undiluted.

Spray Grillklene onto the surface to be cleaned.

Allow Grillklene to penetrate the stain for 1-5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the dirt.

Wipe away the melted grease and debris with a damp cloth.

Rinse with clean water.