JD Power Bleach is a sodium hypochlorite based bleach suitable for use in all types of industrial washing machines. JD Power Bleach effectively removes stains on white linen
Effective in all water environments, conditions, longer shelf life and stability, reduced risk of corrosion, dose control, fabric life.
User manual:
JD Power Bleach is designed to use automatic dispensing equipment and should never be dispensed manually. If high concentrations are used, it is recommended that Anti-Chlor such as Clax Sonril 4EL1 be used to neutralize residual chlorine.
3 - 15ml per kg depending on light to heavy stains. Maximum temperature 60°C.
Dosage may vary according to typical soiling levels.
Caution: DO NOT use on colored fabrics or hospital linens contaminated with chlorhexadine based disinfectants.